
Friday 9 March 2012

Keep on Smiling

Alright, so like I promised here is part two of my "help me help you be happy" blogs. Now, Im hoping my playlist of classic's helped you perk up in the morning. But, if somehow that didn't help, here is my next solution to your blues.

I once had a friend that lived by the quote "If you look good you feel good, and If you feel good, you wheel good". Now I know that applies to a slightly different situation, But i believe it also applies to everyone each day.

I know when I wake up in the morning after a good sleep and I put on one of my favorite outfits and take my time to do my makeup, I feel so much more confident and I know that day is just going to be a good day. So with that said, my next step to happiness is taking care of yourself and taking the time to look good. Not for anyone else, but for you.

So, the easiest and most entertaining way to portray my message, is through this very educational video made by the one and only Jenna Mourey.

Ps. Sorry for the vulgar nature of this video, so please remember to wear your earmuffs and enjoy!

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Smile, it helps

Alright people, I dont know if there is something in the water, or if everyone around me has a bad case of the blues, but lately I think a lot of people I see need a pick me up. So for the next couple weeks im dedicating my blog to trying to make you all a little bit happier, or at least a slightly amused.

First things first you need a morning pick me up, so instead of sitting in silence for your morning commute, try putting on some 90's pop hits. there is not a soul on this planet, unless you live under a rock, that can help but to dance, sing, or laugh a little when a song like "Mambo Number 5" comes on. But just incase Lou Bega really grinds your gears, heres a couple more songs to get you back in the happy grove. 

1. will smith - miami
2. said right fred - im to sexy
3.  Kris Kross - Jump
4.  MC Hammer - Cant touch this
5. LFO - Summer girls
6. Back Street boys - Everybody
7. C+C Music Factory - Gonna make you sweat
8. Spice Girls - Wannabe
9. Marky Marky and the Funky Bunch - Good Vibrations
10. Various Artists - ESPN Presents the Jock Jam

Now, if you aren't even the slightest bit happy, you either don't have a happy bone in your body, or your deaf. But don't worry, I will have more steps to happiness on the next blog.

In the words of Bob Marley.. Dont worry, Be happy 

Friday 10 February 2012

STV Here I Come

Next month I will be embarking on my six week field placement with Snowmobiler Television. I will be stationed in Barrie, working under their design and editing team. I am really excited for this opportunity, but I am also a tad scared. For most, six weeks is a very short amount of time, but for someone like me, who has never lived on my own, it seems like a lifetime. I will be living at a distant friends house, with him and his mother, so I guess its not like im going to be all alone. But for the first time in my life, I will be more then just a phone call away from my friends and family.

When I start to think about things from a negative perspective, I try to focus back on the experiences I will have while I am there. I will get to dip my toes into each media that STV has to offer. I will be working with everyone from producers, to editors, to designers and copywriters. I will get to witness a snow cross event that is being held by STV, which I am super excited about, since I am an extreme sports enthusiast. Also, I will have the opportunity to do work for their associated magasine and help them with social media too. 

For me, this placement will be more the just a chance to get good work experience and possibly gain a career, it will be time for personal grown and independence. I will finally gain a taste of freedom, and have the chance to see just how far I can take myself, without guidance and supervision. I just hope that my taste of freedom, isn't bitter. 

Friday 3 February 2012

Making Small Talk

Everyday that I work, I engage in small talk with my customers. Most of which relates to the weather that day, what school I attend and the program I'm studying. Although these conversations become a tad repetitive, it never ceases to amaze me how little the general public knows about the marketing and advertising industry.  Most people I talk to just politely smile and say "oh well that's good", basing their entire opinion on the fact that it sounds interesting and a little more on the impressive side when compared to my current position, as cashier for a clothing store.  When most people hear that I'm studying marketing and advertising they assume I'll become a car saleswoman, when in fact there are so many great opportunities for me. The career opportunities I could have are endless, ranging anywhere from working in a well known agency in a big city, or doing social media and web design from the comfort of my own home.  Now, the only question I can't answer  when striking up friendly conversation, is what area I want to pursue to find my career. But like I tell everyone who asks me that, I have more then enough time to explore my options. And I'm going to enjoy every aspect of my journey.

Sunday 29 January 2012

Changing Perspectives

For years, I have been viewing commercials from the consumer side of marketing and advertising. Whether I was listening to the radio in my car, watching television, or scrolling the Internet, I was subjected to advertisements. At the time, I ever really noticed or paid to much attention to them. I use to see commercials as annoying breaks of time in-between the activities that were important to me at the moment.

Now after a few years of studying this industry and the influence it has on purchasing behaviours, my attention level for commercials has greatly increased. I evolved from the channel changer and commercial muter, into a seasoned critic. I find myself analyzing commercials, subconsciously judging their message and overall impact. Deciding if they were what I believe to be a successful campaign, or an advertising fail.

I strongly feel that my intuitive change from blind consumer into an investigating critic is just one stage in my industry professional makeover. It’s small changes in the way I’m thinking that prove to me that I am growing closer to the industry expert I hope to be. It just makes me wonder that when I reach that status, if commercials will hold any consumer appeal to me at all.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Finger Painting ..

My earliest memory of artistic creativity dates back to my first year of kindergarten. Back then I had no idea what artistic creativity was, or what it was going to mean for my future. Back then, I was just a kid, with a plastic plate full of primary paint colours and a blank piece of chart paper.

I’m sure the final product of that first art piece was no Picasso, but the importance of that smeared mess of paint wasn’t the look, it was the feel. The grit of the paint, the swirl of colours and most of all, the freedom. For the first time, there were no rules, no boundaries, and no right or wrong answer. From that moment on, I was hooked.

Artistic creativity defines who I am. Whether it’s the clothes I wear, the music I listen to, or the words I write. It makes me who I am, and it gives me a voice to express myself to the world. Now, I know I may not change the world with my views, or become famous with my words, but I can amuse the minds of my peers.

Today, I find myself still perusing that feeling of freedom. Fortunately, with maturity and education my tools now involve editing software, photography and IMac computers. But this blog isn’t my personal life; it’s about my views of the one industry that I feel allows me to continue finger painting, marketing and advertising.

It has allowed me to capture my creativity and turn my work into something useful and influential. My blog will discuss the things that impact my daily life as a designer, and experimenting student. I encourage you to follow along, and comment on my findings, after all, seeing things from different views is the very essence of creativity.