
Friday 10 February 2012

STV Here I Come

Next month I will be embarking on my six week field placement with Snowmobiler Television. I will be stationed in Barrie, working under their design and editing team. I am really excited for this opportunity, but I am also a tad scared. For most, six weeks is a very short amount of time, but for someone like me, who has never lived on my own, it seems like a lifetime. I will be living at a distant friends house, with him and his mother, so I guess its not like im going to be all alone. But for the first time in my life, I will be more then just a phone call away from my friends and family.

When I start to think about things from a negative perspective, I try to focus back on the experiences I will have while I am there. I will get to dip my toes into each media that STV has to offer. I will be working with everyone from producers, to editors, to designers and copywriters. I will get to witness a snow cross event that is being held by STV, which I am super excited about, since I am an extreme sports enthusiast. Also, I will have the opportunity to do work for their associated magasine and help them with social media too. 

For me, this placement will be more the just a chance to get good work experience and possibly gain a career, it will be time for personal grown and independence. I will finally gain a taste of freedom, and have the chance to see just how far I can take myself, without guidance and supervision. I just hope that my taste of freedom, isn't bitter. 

Friday 3 February 2012

Making Small Talk

Everyday that I work, I engage in small talk with my customers. Most of which relates to the weather that day, what school I attend and the program I'm studying. Although these conversations become a tad repetitive, it never ceases to amaze me how little the general public knows about the marketing and advertising industry.  Most people I talk to just politely smile and say "oh well that's good", basing their entire opinion on the fact that it sounds interesting and a little more on the impressive side when compared to my current position, as cashier for a clothing store.  When most people hear that I'm studying marketing and advertising they assume I'll become a car saleswoman, when in fact there are so many great opportunities for me. The career opportunities I could have are endless, ranging anywhere from working in a well known agency in a big city, or doing social media and web design from the comfort of my own home.  Now, the only question I can't answer  when striking up friendly conversation, is what area I want to pursue to find my career. But like I tell everyone who asks me that, I have more then enough time to explore my options. And I'm going to enjoy every aspect of my journey.